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Xinhai Thickener how to operate efficiently

2014-12-01 10:47:19   XinHai   (3553)

Thickeners are widely used in thickening and dewatering in mineral processing. There are so many kinds of thickeners in Xinhai including peripheral transmission and center transmission. How to operate thickener in mineral processing, Xinhai tells you:

1、Notes of thickener operation

(1)Close the underflow gate, start the machine without load, and then feeding

(2)Underflow discharge gate must be flexible to open and close, and store spare gate

(3)Check the transmission parts of thickener operation, the lubricating parts should be timely oiled

(4)To keep the safety device and signal in good condition

1、Automatic control items of efficient thickener

(1)Flocculants dosage: the ratio of slurry solid content and the flocculants dosage remains constant. Flocculants pump revolutions can control the dosage of flocculants.

(2)Underflow concentration and the height of compression layer: underflow pump controls underflow concentration. The optimum revolution of underflow pump should control the compression area surface at the most suitable height to take advantages of sedimentation layer.

2、The features of efficient thickener

(1)The flocculants increase sedimentation particle size that the sedimentation velocity speeds up

(2)Installing inclined plate shortens sedimentation distance of mineral particles, and increases the sedimentation area;

(3)Equipped with completed automatic control facilities

3、The commonly used thickeners in ore dressing plant

(1)Normal thickener: most widely used in dressing plant, but it takes large area, and has low capacity per unit area

(2)Tilted plate thickener: installing many tilted plates in the normal thickener cylinder, this accelerates the particles separation and improves thickening efficiency.

(3)Efficient thickener: installed tilted plate and flocculants adding device, the area taken is smaller, and the capacity improves by many times.

4、How to set distance of plates and angle of inclination

The distance of plates is larger than 10mm, and the angle of inclination is usually 45-55°depending on the needing.

Tags:thickener, thickening equipment, mineral processing

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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