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Xinhai - To Choose Your Models and Specifications of Ball Mill

2015-09-11 10:32:00   XinHai   (3521)

It is always hard to make choice of the  type and specification of ball mill, since there are many questions: which kind  of type and specification will get the lowest cost of grinding? Which factory  manufactures have the most various types and specifications of ball mill, the  longest life span, the lowest energy, minimum steel consumption, or the lowest price?

Xin hai could provide various types: MQG wet  grid ball mill, MQY overflow ball mill, MQGg wet energy-saving grid ball mill,  MQYg wet energy-saving overflow ball mill, GZMg wet cone grid ball mill, GZM  wet cone overflow ball mill, etc.

There are also various specifications for  each type above. Take MQG wet grid ball mill as an example, the specifications  of it are MQG0909、MQG0918、MQG1212、MQG1224、MQG1515、MQG1530、MQG2122、MQG2130、MQG2430、MQG2721、MQG2727、MQG2736、MQG3231、MQG3236、MQG3245、MQG3639、MQG3645、MQG3650、MQG3660、MQG4060、MQG4560.

Besides, after selecting mill, Xinhai will configure  the jacking device and static dynamic pressure bearing according to the  requirements of consumer.

All metal materials used in Xinhai have  been sandblasted surface first to remove the rust, and then spray painted and  processed. They have the advantages of acid and alkali resistant, high  temperature resistance, impact resistance and so on. Meanwhile, Xinhai has  professional mechanical designers, mechanical processing personnel, and  mechanical processing technics. Therefore, all equipment there have long  service life, stable operation, and high quality product.

Xinhai manufactures many kinds of ball  mill, including MQGg, MQYg, GZMg,GZM. They are applied with large-scale  biserial self-aligning bearing, saving 20%~30% energy than the common one. The  effect is obvious. Besides, all types of them adopt suitable draw ratio,  reducing the steel consuming and grinding cost. At the same time, the mill is  cheaper than other companies. It is not exaggerated to say that the mill in Xinhai  has excellent quality with reasonable price.

In a word, if you want to select the type  and specification of ball mill, Xin hai is your best choice.

Tags:ball mill

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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