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On “mining EPC service”

2015-06-08 10:40:24   XinHai   (2879)

At present, there are few mineral machinery manufactures with "mining EPC service" in our country. Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery Co.,LTD is the first company with over two decades of EPC experience provides mining EPC service. So we can take it for granted that this company acts as a pioneer in China. But what is mining EPC service? Here we will have a picture of mining EPC service through Xinhai company.

Specifics of Xinhai mineral EPC service :

Research & design

The key of this procedure is to analysis the mineral content. Then make the whole design solution and the construction design plan of each part after the recovery solution and provide clients with consulation and related contact activities in the same time.


Products manufacture is the core section of the EPC service. Products manufacture project manager department is set up to ensure it goes smoothly due to the essentiality.

Installation & commissioning

Xinhai company has its own installation and commissioning department, which has 4 installation teams with rich experience. Installation and commissioning department is composed of chief commander, installation group, technology section and logistics security. The chief commander is in charge of contact and coordination of various departments and customers. Installation group includes equipment installation, electricity installation, automation installation and rubber installation group. And each group is responsible for its own work separately. In generally, logistics security department consisting of warehousing, the cook, translators and others is to ensure the installation progress goes well.


Employees must be proficient in operating machinery and equipment to ensure production. So the final job of EPC service is to train the employees. Xinhai has its own excellent technicians as trainers to teach the employees to master the related skills during a piece of short time.

Project handover

When all the work finished, the plant can be put into production after the project handover with the customer.

So far, the mining machinery market has been becoming more and more weak. In order to get a new development, the only work is to focus on service. In the future, the direction of mining machinery market is to develop mining EPC service. So the one, who establishes a good mining EPC service as quickly as possible in the early time, who can win a place for itself in the fierce competition of the mining machinery market.

Tags:mining EPC service

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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