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Xinhai horizontal and inclined vibrating screen for screening ore particle

2015-03-25 17:07:20   XinHai   (3769)

Xinhai vibrating screen is divided into horizontal and inclined vibrating screen according to the angle between the machine and land. Vibrating screen is used to prescreening and check screening cooperating with crushing process in mineral processing.

Inclined Vibrating Screens

1. Rugged construction, designed with 15-20 degrees inclination angle.
2. Simple design especially suitable in screening applications for coarse stones and ores.
3. The eccentric shaft with counterweight configuration produces regular vibrations. Users can adjust the eccentric counterweight to meet their needs.
4. Thanks to the 15-20 degrees inclination angle plus gravity effect, these screens need less drive powerful screening effect, compared to horizontal models.

Horizontal Vibrating Screens

1. Horizontal screen, with two unbalanced eccentric shafts generating strong horizontal vibration.
2. Handles efficiently a large amount of materials, avoids clogging, suitable for classifying small particle size.
3. Due to advanced design and engineering technology, a strong centrifugal force is created, which can stabilize the movement of the in-feed
4. Compared to the same model of other brands, Xinhai horizontal screens have a large processing capacity.
5. Suitable for stone washing, due to highly efficient screening, clean and uniform grain size can be screened out.

Xinhai linear vibrating screen is belong to horizontal vibrating screen with linear movement direction. The same movement orbit of each point on screen is good for the screening. In metal processing, linear vibrating screen is used to compose a closed circle with grinding machine.


From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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