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Routine problems solution of agitation tanks

2014-11-17 10:25:07   XinHai   (3333)

The classification of agitation tank

Agitation tank is necessary equipment in floatation divided into 4 kinds, ore slurry agitation tank, agitation store tank, lifting agitation tank and agitation tank for chemical reagent.

The purpose of agitation tank for chemical reagent

(1) Make two or more miscible liquids mixed with chemicals in order to obtain a mixture.

(2) Make two or more immiscible liquids mixed in order to obtain an emulsion

(3) Make gas and solution mixed

(4) Make solid particles suspended in solution

(5) To accelerate the chemical reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer process

Stirring method of agitation tank for chemical reagent

Mechanical stirring, flow stirring and jet stirring

When operating agitation tank, please pay attention to the problems below.

1、How to deal with sudden power cutting of high efficiency agitation tank?

(1) Do noy need to take any measures when the system meets sudden power failure. Re-start machine with slurry after 4 hours

(2) When it is ready to start machine, we need manual turning at the beginning.

(3) When the machine restarts successfully, please convey slurry as soon as possible.

2、How to judge the belt looseness of high efficiency agitation tank?  

If hear the harsh noise when the machine is in normal operation. Emptying the tank and checking the fixing of agitation shaft and screws, and then hear if the noise exists. This entire phenomenon proves the belt is loose.

3、The requirement of ore slurry for agitation tank

(1) The concentration of slurry is less than 30%

(2) Before floatation, the particle size of solid is less than 1mm, and the floatation reagents particle is less than 0.5mm

4、The check items in normal operation of agitation tank

In order to guarantee the efficient and stable working, check in operation is necessary including:(1) Operation condition (2) Ore slurry condition(3) Oil level of speed reducer(4) Touch the lubricating oil pipe to check whether need to oil(5) Liquid level must be higher than the technical requirement

Tags:agitation tank, stirring equipment

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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