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What’s the Differences Between Raymond Mill and Ball Mill?

2018-10-17 14:23:44   XinHai   (1727)

Both Raymond mill and ball mill are the common grinding equipment, but there are many differences between them. The most obvious difference is that the particle size of products produced by Raymond mill is much finer than ball mill's. Here, Xinhai will explain the specific differences between Raymond mill and ball mill. 

First, Raymond mill and grid type ball mill are used to grinding material, but the difference on grinding fineness is quite large. The discharging speed of grid type ball mill is much faster, so the particle size of the product is a little rough, generally 0.3 ~ 0.2mm or -0.074mm, and the mass fraction of grain grade is 45% ~ 65%.

Raymond mill is an ultra-fine grinding equipment, whose grinding fineness can be less than 2μm, that cannot be achieved with conventional grinding equipment. The Raymond mill is featured with stable performance, easy to operation, less energy consumption and a wide range of particle size, so it is often used for fine grinding of non-metals with medium hardness. Generally, The feeding particle size of Raymond mill is 15 ~ 20mm, and the particle size of grinding product is usually 0.044 ~ 0.125mm. So, it is mainly used for super grinding of non-flammable and non-explosive ores (Moh's hardness is below 9.3 level and moisture are less than 6%), building materials and chemical materials, such as graphite, talc, kaolinite, limestone. The product fineness can be up to 2000 mesh. 

Ball mill is mainly used for the materials whose Mohs hardness is below 7 level, moisture is below 6%. It is widely used in ferrous and non-ferrous metals, fertilizer processing, refractory material processing and silicide manufacturing, etc. Customers can choose dry and wet grinding ways according to the production requirements, and the fineness of finished product can be up to 425 mesh, so ball mill is usually used in grinding stage of the mineral processing production line. 

There are various kinds of equipment in the mining industry, and each kind of equipment can be divided into many different types. For example, grinding equipment mainly includes ball mill, rod mill, Raymond mill, superfine mill, etc. we can choose the type of grinding equipment corresponding to different demands.


Tags:ball mill, roymond mill, grinding mill, grinding equipment, grinder,

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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