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Biological Leaching and Selection of Copper Production Line

2016-05-19 17:31:55   XinHai   (4082)

With the  continuous copper ore mining, there is fewer and fewer high-grade copper ore, and  copper ore block size is getting smaller and more complex. Ordinary flotation  process seems not available for those ore. At this time, "poor, fine,  miscellaneous" copper ore dressing process - the biological leaching  process was born. The following is a brief introduction of biological leaching  of copper production line.

Common  microbe mineral processing technology are heap leaching and leaching. Heap  leaching means to heap mined ore, and then use microbe leaching solution. Due  to its production cost is low and less pollution, it has been widely used. Situ  leaching is to use a chemical solvent or microbial leaching solution to inject  underground mines copper and dissolve copper and other valuable metals, then  collect the dissolved rich liquid. This kind of processing method is the  combination of mining and mineral processing, and there is no need to ship the  ore out the ground which reduce the cost of building dressing plant and eliminating  plant. What’s more, it has less vegetation destruction and pollution, but this  technique is not mature, and there is almost no application in today's  production practice.

Zijinshan  Copper Mine is a large copper factory, and its copper reserves about 146  million tons.  The copper grade is 0.63%,  and arsenic is 0.03%. Due to the raw ore has low copper grade and  high arsenic, the investment of traditional  flotation of copper smelting is too large, the cost is too high, the pollution  is serious and so on. From 2000 to 2004, the plant uses reasonable microbial  selected copper production line and got district benefit. In addition the  Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi Province heap leaching plant, under the condition  of more than 90% of primary chalcopyrite and containing copper waste rock grade  0.09%, effectively realized the bacterial leaching of copper extraction.

Xinhai is  a domestic and foreign well-known turnkey service company. If you are  interested in our turnkey service you can contact us!

Tags:Biological Leaching and Selection of Copper Production Line

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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