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Ball Mill VS Rod Mill

2016-04-07 09:48:16   XinHai   (3137)

rod mill are used widely in plant and are compared by us. This text will  analyze the two equipment in some aspect.

The grinding  theory. Though used different medium (steel ball and steel rod are contained in  ball mill and rod mill), the working theory of ball mill and rod mill are  similar. When the shell move, the medium in shell be raised and down which has  a impact on ore. Some medium may close to the tube wall of shell which can  grind the ore. After long time grinding, the material be grinded to the correct  size.

For details, the  grinding theory of ball mill and rod are different in many ways. For ball mill,  the grinding force of steel ball to ore is less than the impact, because the  contact area is small between balls and mineral. Thus, the throwing motion of  ball can produce a large impact, but it need a high rotate speed and has a  higher power consumption. But for rod mill, grinding effect is better which  need a lower rotate speed and has a lower power consumption.

Xinhai produce  all kind of ball mill and rod mill with high quality, you would interested in  them.

Tags:Ball Mill VS Rod Mill

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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