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Factors that Influence Gold Flotation Process

2016-03-17 10:29:00   XinHai   (2645)

Although gold exists in the form of simple  substance in natural world, gold is usually associated with other mineral ores in  a complex relationship, due to the particle size and associated relationship,  etc. Sometimes the conventional physical separation method has been incapable  of classifying gold mine, so the separation process that uses different surface  hydrophobicity of mineral becomes the common beneficiation processes in gold  beneficiation plant. There are many that affect the gold flotation process,  such as particle size, flotation reagent system, pulp density, flotation time, agitation  intensity, inflatable volume, pulp temperature, etc., In order to achieve  better flotation effect, all parameters must remain optimal value for the  flotation process.

1. Particle Size

In gold  flotation process, the grinding fineness depends on the gold Khenpo size, too  large or too small will affect the final flotation effect. Too big particle  size, on the one hand, the gold might not reach monomer separation, so the  grade of god is low. On the other hand, due to the limitation of bubbles  carried, bad adsorption function of coarse grain, small contact probability  between coarse grains and bubbles, etc., too big particle size is not convenient  for the bubbles float, which leads to the loss of this part of the gold mine  with the bottom flow. While too small mineral particles are not conducive to  flotation, too big grinding fineness increases inevitably ion in slurry, the inevitably  ion and purpose mineral forms the competitive adsorption in the bubble surface,  reducing the flotation efficiency. The fine-grained minerals have large  specific surface area and surface energy, strong adsorption capacity for  pharmaceutical, therefore, too small particle size can increase the reagent consumption  during the gold flotation process.

2. Reagent System

The reagent  system of gold flotation process refers to the kind of reagent, reagent dosage,  adding methods, adding order, etc. Flotation is through the selectively  absorption of the reagent and  purpose  minerals to  increase differences of  surface hydrophobicity between the purpose minerals and gangue minerals, the  minerals with large hydrophobicity will adsorb on the surface of bubbles and rise  with bubbles, then complete the separation of minerals. The reagent is the key  to change hydrophobic lines, therefore, the reagent system is particularly  important for flotation.

3 Pulp Density

Pulp density refers to the solid contents in pulp,  usually refers to the quality (or volume) ratio of slurry solids (minerals) to liquid  (water), expressed by liquid-solid or solid quality fraction .The gold pulp  density affects the gold recovery rate, concentrate quality and reagent dosage.

4 Flotation Time, Agitation Intensity,  Inflatable Volume, Pulp Temperature

In the flotation process, these factors  also affects the quality of the final concentrate, as for different gold ores,  these parameters generally are different; it must be determined by  beneficiation experiments.

There are also many other factors that affect  the gold flotation process, such as the water PH, hardness, oxygen content in factory  ,etc. The mineral processing experiments must be carried out on the basis of  accurate information before designing the processes.

Tags:Factors that Influence Gold Flotation Process

From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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