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Aspects Needed Attention in Flotation Machines Maintenance and Repair

2015-09-17 12:02:21   XinHai   (3499)

There are many aspects needed to be noticed  in the maintenance of flotation machines.

First, when replacing worn impellers and  rotors, it’s advisable to adjust the gap between them with gaskets to keep it  within 6-10 millimeters.

Second, it is better to check whether the  rubber tube used to protect the main shaft is scuffed before installing  impellers. If there’s abrasion, remember to change for a new one in time.

Third, if the axial clearance is too large  because of the bearings wear, all we need to do is just to adjust the  compaction degree of internal and external housing washers.

Four, when you found out oil leakage from  the oil seal cover under the bearing body, it’s necessary to change new oil seal  cover timely and be careful of not compressing it too tight.

There are also many aspects needed  to be noticed in flotation machines commissioning and usage after maintenance.

First of all, you should carefully examine  and clear the cell. Then carry out the empty test running and add gradually  clean water until the feed. When adding waters, it is better to pay attention  to adjust the size of the circular holes. Meanwhile, make sure to examine  whether impellers has partial dynamic and impact phenomenon or not. Second,  remember to look down to check the rotation direction of motor shaft to insure  that the impeller shaft is revolving clockwise when starting the motor. What’s more,  it’s also important to note the adjustment of slurry level-the open degree of  gate-when a flotation machine is used. Only when adjusting the slurry height in  time can we effectively make the froth scraped and prevent the slurry from overflowing  into the foam tank.

All above is some knowledge about the types  and maintenance of flotation machines. It’s very necessary to have a deeper  understanding of flotation machines, as for flotation technology is a more  applied mineral processing method in current dressing plants.


From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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