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Analysis Characteristics of Mining Machinery in International Market Development

2015-08-28 09:30:31   XinHai   (2967)

The condition of mining machinery in international  market has a direct impact on the domestic market, the following contents is  the general characteristics of the mining machinery in international market.

Firstly, from the trend of the mining  machinery industry development, the size of the market, and the industry  competition, whether mine machinery manufacturing enterprises can provide  services such as mining design, mining service equipment’s design, production  of equipment operation, project management, and "EPC service" has  become increasingly important factor. EPC service has become an important  factor to important to measure a mining machinery enterprise’s strength.

Foreign enterprises are the first one to  imply the EPC service in the world, and Yantai Xinhai mining Co, Ltd. is the  earliest one to put forward the EPC service.

Secondly, the world mining machinery  production’s center and market is gradually advancing toward to China. From  early 1940s to early 1980s, the more mature global industrialized countries have  established a fairly complete and mature system of mining machinery industry,  and to the early 21st century they have realized the mining machinery  manufacturing industry as the carrier. These countries are shifting to the mode  of the service-centered post-industrialization and knowledgeable economy.

In the world, all kinds of large mining  machinery manufacturing industry has the characteristics of high concentration,  uneven capacity, and lots of mining machinery enterprises are more concentrated  in North America, the European Union, Australia and other parts of China. Africa  and South America are only accounted 11% of production capacity of the total production.

Because of  the financial crisis and the European debt crisis, the world economic growth is  slow, and a lot of foreign mining machinery manufacturers, parts cell machinery  manufacturers put their eyes in China. They invest in building factories and looking  for a market development space. As a result, in 2008 to 2009 year, China  overtook North America to become the world's largest mining machinery sales  market. China mining machinery market in 2011 accounted for 41% of global sales  proportion, which grow 5% compared with 36% in 2010, Chinese demand will reach  more than 50% in 2012 to 2015 year. This provides strong support for domestic  mining machinery development.

Thirdly, there are still exist rising space  in Europe, America and other developed countries of mill consumption, for Africa  and other poor countries there are wide development potential.

In recent years, the European Union, North  America and other developed areas have the more mature market, the demand  growth of mining machinery is as fast as more than 10% every year. The  customer's payment ability and their timeliness are very good. Enterprises who exports  to these regions can receive a higher return.


From:Xinhai Mining Machinery Company

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